A street hawker

A street hawker deals in various things by hawking from street to street. He carries his materials on head and sometimes in hand and sometimes in a small handcart. He also brings bangles, ribbons, clothing, fruits, utensils, fancy goods and things of domestic uses for women. He speaks in different ways to draw the attention of his customers. He generally buys his goods at a cheaper rate and sells them at a good profit. A street hawker is very cunning. He knows him very well. His customers are women and children. He brings toys, sweets and other things for children and sells them at a fixed price at a good rate. A hawker also knows the time/hour of his business. He does not come when the housemasters are at home. Rather he comes when the housemasters are out of home and when the women are free from their household works and duties. They move from locality to locality and buy waste articles like empty bottles, old newspapers, magazines, books, plastic and tin containers, broken household items, etc. They buy these items from house to house and sell them to the dealers. Such hawkers do good service to us. They take away our useless items and give us money also. The hawker is an important member of society. He serves us in many ways. He comes to our street in the burning sun and in the severe cold weather. When we cannot go out to buy anything, they are there in our street to serve us. He saves our time and also inconvenience. His life is difficult. We should be sensitive and sympathetic towards him. His dignity of labor commands our respect.


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