Rule -2. Simple To Complex And Compound

Rule –2 :
Being  hy³  Simple Sentence †K Complex  Kivi wbqg:
Sentence Gi cÖ_‡g Since/as/when e‡m + Being hy³ As‡ki c‡ii Sentence wU †h Tense  -G _v‡K Being hy³ AskwU‡KI Abyiæc Tense G wjL‡Z n‡e| + `yB Sentence Gi gv‡S Comma (,) e‡m + Comma (,) c‡ii Sentence wU AcwiewZ©Z Ae¯’vq e‡m hv‡e|
A_ev Sentence Gi cÖ_‡g Since/as/when e‡m + Being Gi c~‡e©i AskwU em‡e + Being Gi cwie‡Z© Comma (,) c‡ii Sentence Gi Tense Abymv‡i Being Gi cwie‡Z© am/ is/ are / was / were / had em‡e + Being Gi c‡ii Ask Comma (,) mn AcwiewZ©Z Ae¯’vq e‡m hv‡e|Note: KviY eySv‡j Since/as e‡m| mgq eySv‡j when e‡m|

Being  hy³  Simple Sentence †K Compound Kivi wbqg:
Being Gi c~‡e©i AskwU em‡e + Being Gi cwie‡Z© Comma (,) c‡ii Sentence Gi Tense Abymv‡i Being Gi cwie‡Z© am / is / are / was / were / had em‡e + Being Gi c‡ii Ask A_©vr Comma (,) Gi c~e© ch©šZ em‡e + Comma (,) Gi cwie‡Z© and em‡e + Comma (,) Gi c‡ii Sentence wU AcwiewZ©Z Ae¯’vq e‡m hv‡e|
Note: Being hy³ Sentence G Subject bv _vK‡j GKB Subject `ywU Sentence G e‡m|     

Simple: The water being very hot, I could not drink it.
Complex: Since the water was very hot, I could not drink it.
Compound: The water was very hot and I could not drink it.
Simple : Being poor, Tom could not buy a chain.
Simple: Since Tom was poor, he could not buy a chain.
Compound: Tom was poor and he could not buy a chain.


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