Complex To Simple

Rule 3. Since / As / When hy³ Complex Sentence Gi `ywU Clause Gi Subject GKB n‡j Ges 1g Clause G To Be Verb  A_ev To Have Verb _vK‡j Complex †_‡K Simple Kivi wbqg:
cÖ_‡g Since / As / When  D‡V hv‡e  +  1g Clause Gi Subject e‡m hv‡e + 1g Clause G To Be Verb _vK‡j  being / To Have Verb _vK‡j having + To Be Verb / To Have Verb Gi c‡ii Ask e‡m hv‡e + Comma (,) em‡e + 2q Clause wU e‡m hv‡e|
Complex : Since the weather was very cold, there were no birds or animals in the snow covered country.
Simple: The weather being very cold, there were no birds or animals in the snow covered country.
Complex: When the ceremony was over, they went back home.
Simple: The ceremony being over, they went back home.
Rule 4. Relative Pronoun (Who/Which/That) hy³ Complex Sentence †K Simple Kivi wbqg:
cÖ`Ë Sentence Gi cÖ_g †_‡K Relative Pronoun  Gi c~e© ch©šÍ e‡m hv‡e + Relative Pronoun wU D‡V hv‡e + Relative Pronoun Gi c‡i †h g~j  Verb _v‡K †mB g~j Verb †K Present Form G wb‡q Gi mv‡_ ing †hvM Ki‡Z n‡e + Relative Pronoun Gi c‡ii Ask †kl ch©šÍ e‡m hv‡e|
Note : Relative Pronoun Gi c‡i Auxiliary Verb  ev mvnvh¨Kvix Verb _vK‡j Zv D‡V hv‡e|
Complex: The writer lived in a cabin which belonged to the orphanage.
Simple: The writer lived in a cabin belonging to the orphanage.
Complex: They saw a ship that was coming to them.
Simple: They saw a ship coming to them.


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