Seeking permission from your father to visit a historical place.

My dear father,
The Historical society of our school has arranged a tour for a few historical places inside the state in the first week of December.
A batch of fifty students will be going with the history teacher to see places of historical interests in Sonargaon. It will be a very useful trip for me to discern the outside world. It will help me to avoid the vague impressions that I have regarding those places. And further, you know practical knowledge is more valuable than the theoretical knowledge on the part of a student. I am at present very keen to see the historical places that I have studied in my book. In this connection, the expenses will come to about 1000/- per student. Our school is meeting percent of the expenses besides railway expenses.
I want to seek your kind permission to go on this tour. I hope you will allow me and send me the required amount. In case you kindly grant your permission, I shall have to deposit the money by the end of this month.
Hoping to hear soon.
Yours affectionately.


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