
Showing posts from May, 2018

A rickshaw puller

The man who earns his living by pulling a rickshaw is called a rickshaw-puller. Bangladesh is the only country where rickshaws and rickshaw-pullers play a vital role in the field of transport. The poor section of our people finds it easy to pull rickshaws to earn their livelihood. A rickshaw puller is mostly a young man. But a section of helpless old people also pull rickshaw to earn their livelihood. He gets up early in the morning and goes down in the streets with a rickshaw to carry passengers from one place to another. In all weathers, whether it is good or bad, he is seen carrying passengers. Though a rickshaw-puller pulls his rickshaw from morning till night, he leads a very poor and hard life. He generally lives in a slum area which is unhealthy and unhygienic. He is often seen passing the night sleeping in his rickshaw. He supports himself and his family with great hardship. He often can not afford to buy good food and clothes for himself and his family. The money that

My Hobby -Paragraph

My hobby is reading. I read story books, magazines, newspapers and any kind of material that I find interesting. This hobby got started when I was a little boy. I had always wanted my parents to read fairy tales and other stories to me. Soon they got fed up and tired of having to read to me continually. So as soon as I could, I learned to read. I started with simple ABC books. Soon I could read simple fairy tales and other stories. Now I read just about anything that is available.  Reading enables me to learn about so many things that I would otherwise not know. I learned about how people lived in   bygone   days of magic and mystery. I learned about the wonders of the world, space travel, human achievements, gigantic whales, tiny viruses and other fascinating things of our world.  I can read all about it in a book.  Books provide the reader with so much information and facts. They have certainly helped me in my daily life. I am better equipped to cope with living. Otherwise I would g

A tree plantation

Write a paragraph about “ Tree plantation” by answering the  following questions . ( (a)    What is tree plantation? ( (b )   What is the necessity of tree plantation? ( (c)    How do trees helps us? ( (d)    How do trees maintain ecological balance? ( (e)    How does a country become affected by deforestation? ( (f)    Why should people grow more trees? ( (g)    What will be the result of tree plantation? ( (h)    What should people do? ( (i)     How can we make tree plantation program successful? Tree plantation means planting sapling beside houses and in the roads and fallow lands. Trees are important element of our environment .Our environment is being polluted day by day. We are heading towards a disaster .So,, tree plantation is necessary to prevent the pollution of the environment. Trees help us in many ways. Trees supply us oxygen without which we cannot live even for a few minutes. They give us shade and protect us from the scorching heat of the sun. T


Facebook  is a social networking service and  w ebsite started in February 2004. It was built by Mark Zuckerberg. It is owned by Facebook, As of September 2012. Facebook has over one billion active users. Users may make a personal  profile , add other users as friends, and send messages. Facebook users must register before using the site. The name of the service comes from the  name for the book  given to students at the start of the school year by some universities in the United States. These books help students get to know each other better. Facebook allows any users who are at least 13 years old to become users of the website. Facebook was started by  Mark Zuckerberg  with his college roommates and fellow  computer science  students  Eduardo Saverin ,  Dustin Moskovitz  and  Chris Hughes .  The website's membership was only for  Harvard  students at first. Later it included other colleges in the  Boston  area, the  Ivy League , and  Stanford University . It eventually opened

A street hawker

A street hawker deals in various things by hawking from street to street. He carries his materials on head and sometimes in hand and sometimes in a small handcart. He also brings bangles, ribbons, clothing, fruits, utensils, fancy goods and things of domestic uses for women. He speaks in different ways to draw the attention of his customers. He generally buys his goods at a cheaper rate and sells them at a good profit. A street hawker is very cunning. He knows him very well. His customers are women and children. He brings toys, sweets and other things for children and sells them at a fixed price at a good rate. A hawker also knows the time/hour of his business. He does not come when the housemasters are at home. Rather he comes when the housemasters are out of home and when the women are free from their household works and duties.   They move from locality to locality and buy waste articles like empty bottles, old newspapers, magazines, books, plastic and tin containers, broken househ

A railway station

Question: What is a railway station? What do passengers do here? How is the building of a railway station made? What can one see a station from a distance? How many rooms are there in a railway station? How many signals are there in the station? What are the functions of a points man? How do the passengers get on the train? How does the station look when a train arrives and when it leaves the station? Answer:   A railways station is very crowd. It plays an important role  of the train communication system of a country .  A railway station is also a part and parcel of train communication of a country. It is a place where trains stop and start from.    It has a platform for the passengers to get down and get into the train.  Passengers get down and get into a train from a railway station. The buildings of a station are generally made of red bricks. One can see from a distance the green, red and blue signal and painted houses of a station. There are waiting rooms for male

Background Of Primary Education.

 Bangladesh has one of the largest primary education systems in the world with an estimated 16.4 million primary school aged children (6 to 10 years). There are 365,925 primary school teachers (approximately 53% of teachers and 23% of head teachers are women), working in more than 82,218 schools (with ten different types of schools, including Madrasahs) 1. The Primary Education Compulsory Act passed in 1990 made primary education free and compulsory for all children up to Grade 5. 2. The Government of Bangladesh recognizes education as a means of reducing poverty and improving the quality of life for children. As a signatory to the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Government of Bangladesh, with assistance from development partners, has made positive steps towards fulfilling children's rights to education, according to the Education for All and Millennium Development Goals. As a result, the country has made significant progress towards achieving universal primary educa

A Bus Stand

        A bus stand is a place where service buses stop and start from. After a fixed a time, a number of buses touch at a bus stand at different hours of the day and night. In cities there are sheds for passengers at a bus stand. It is a temporary shelter for passengers. Passengers wait for sometime to get on a bus. There are counters in some bus stands for ticket. Passengers stand in a line for buying tickets. Sometimes, there exchanges a few hot words if anybody breaks the line. A bus stand is a busy place. One bus comes and another starts for.  When a bus comes or starts for, passengers become busy to acquire a seat. They push one another to get into it. Ladies find it too difficult to get on a bus. The drivers and conductors are also very busy. Their shouts are heard. They try to get as many passengers as they can. Generally a bus is always loaded and it is more congested during office hours. So very few people can get into it. A bus stand is always noisy.
Generally, a school magazine is a magazine that contains writings of the teachers and the students of a school. It is published once a year. The aim of this publication is to motivate young learners to develop their hidden talents. It gives a view of the life of the school. It also exposes the creative genius of the students. It contains stories, poems, articles, jokes written by students and teachers. The publication of a school magazine is a very difficult task. As a result, the editor and his assistants have to work hard to publish the magazine. Generally, the magazine committee invites writings from students and teachers. The editorial board selects the qualified writing for printing. The young writers get immense pleasure and confidence when they can see their writings in print. The most important is that it brings out the creative talents of the students. It also helps them to be great writers. It is a one kind of treasure island to the students because they can learn many thi

School Library

        A library is the place which can help a man to satisfy his unsatisfied thirst for knowledge.  A school library is a part and parcel of an educational institution. Our school has a rich library. It is located  in a separate building. Our school library is well-decorated. There are three big rooms in it. The two rooms are used as reading rooms. Boys and girls have separate rooms.  Books are arranged in almirhas in the other room. There are about 4000 books in our library.  They included many reference books on different subjects.  It also contains some rare books on history and culture. Only the students can read borrow books from the library. They are to issue library cards for this. A student can borrow one or more books at a time and keep them at home for a week. But in the reading room, he is permitted to read as many books as he can. It remains open from 9 A.M to 5 P.M except on holidays. Our school library is a great attraction for us. We are really proud of our sc

IELTS Speaking Part 3


debate in english


A Rainy Day

A rainy day is a day when it rains ceaselessly all day long during the rainy season. It is called a drizzling day. The sky is overcast with thick of black clouds and the sun remains unseen behind them. The weather is foul and the sun is not seen. Sometimes, gusty wind blows with rain. Rivers, canals and tanks full to the brim with water.. Roads and paths get muddy and slippery. Water stands here and there. Normal life is disrupted with heavy rainfall. One does not generally come out without urgency. The common people cannot attend their respective places in time. If anybody wants to go outside, he has to take an umbrella with him. The sufferings of the poor and the day laborers can not be described in words. They cannot go out to earn their living. They go on starving. A rainy day is most welcomed to the students as they have no classes in the school. A rainy day brings pleasant moment to the young boys of the same age and they are seen to bathe in rainwater with enjoyment. People p

debate in English

Bangladesh Prime Minister Office Job Circular 2018
ACI Limited Job Circular 2018 | BD Jobs Careers
See Charu Ceramic Industries Limited job circular 2018 In Bangladesh there are lots of people are interested build their career in  the government sector for the reason that, government profession is very demandable and completive jobs for anyone, so, no doubt it is well liked job news for the every job seeker. We realize the government job’s importance and that’s the way we make sure types most recent  jobs circular advisement such as government jobs circular news, government bank jobs in Bangladesh, international NGO jobs in Bangladesh, jobs in international organizations in Bangladesh, university lecturer jobs in Bangladesh, pharmaceutical jobs in Bangladesh, NGO  jobs circular in Bangladesh, International Jobs in Bangladesh, Bank Jobs in Bangladesh, all government jobs in Bangladesh, government bank jobs in Bangladesh for job seekers in  BD Jobs Careers . Our main wish to provides latest job and career helpful other resources and to become a best jobs circular website in B
See Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics Job Circular 2018
Medecins Sans Frontieres/ Doctors Without Borders (MSF) View all jobs of this company Vacancy 4 Job Context Ensure safe transportation for MSF staff and goods. Responsible for making sure that the assigned vehicle is kept in good working condition. Job Description / Responsibility Seat belts should be always fastened while driving. The driver is responsible to ensure that all the passengers in the front seat adhere to this rule. Drive safely and carefully, observing the speed limits and traffic rules; take extra caution in bad weather or if the road is in bad condition. To update the logbook: recording mileage, fuel receipts, servicing, repairs, accidents, and other incidents. While driving always carry valid driving licence and all documentations that are needed to drive (insurance, accident declaration sheet, HF and VHF radio frequency list and licences, maps, etc.) Responsible for daily vehicle check, which include (fuel level, engine oil, coolant level,

Rule -2. Simple To Complex And Compound

Rule –2 : Being   hy³   Simple Sentence †K Complex   Kivi wbqg : Sentence Gi cÖ_‡g Since/as/when e‡m + Being hy³ As‡ki c‡ii Sentence wU †h Tense   -G _v‡K Being hy³ AskwU‡KI Abyiæc Tense G wjL‡Z n‡e| + `yB Sentence Gi gv‡S Comma (,) e‡m + Comma (,) c‡ii Sentence wU AcwiewZ©Z Ae¯’vq e‡m hv‡e| A_ev Sentence Gi cÖ_‡g Since/as/when e‡m + Being Gi c~‡e©i AskwU em‡e + Being Gi cwie‡Z© Comma (,) c‡ii Sentence Gi Tense Abymv‡i Being Gi cwie‡Z© am/ is/ are / was / were / had em‡e + Being Gi c‡ii Ask Comma (,) mn AcwiewZ©Z Ae¯’vq e‡m hv‡e| Note: KviY eySv‡j Since/as e‡m| mgq eySv‡j when e‡m| Being   hy³   Simple Sentence †K Compound Kivi wbqg: Being Gi c~‡e©i AskwU em‡e + Being Gi cwie‡Z© Comma (,) c‡ii Sentence Gi Tense Abymv‡i Being Gi cwie‡Z© am / is / are / was / were / had em‡e + Being Gi c‡ii Ask A_©vr Comma (,) Gi c~e© ch©šZ em‡e + Comma (,) Gi cwie‡Z© and em‡e + Comma (,) Gi c‡ii Sentence wU AcwiewZ©Z Ae¯’vq e‡m hv‡e| Note: Being hy³ Sentence
See Bangladesh Air Force Job Circular 2018 If you want to more  government jobs circular news  in regularly to connect with our website. BD Jobs Careers Publish Regular based all types’latest job circular news including government jobs circular 2017, private jobs news, international jobs, all bank jobs circular update, public exam and private result, career guideline etc.Our main target help the jobless people.  We believe that our publish job information help the people who is finding job. We also share careers tips, tricks and faithful resources for students and job holder which help to build shine future.Just, Connect with us for getting more useful information. just connect with us as well as like our Facebook page and Join Facebook Job group, hope you will be must benefited, Thanks for you time being.